Saturday, October 27, 2012

Are You Destroying Your Health To Build Your Muscles?

When it comes to nutritional supplements, no industry is as unregulated and full of questionable claims and practices.

It is not unusual for fly by night companies to appear out of nowhere with unsubstantiated claims about their products that re nothing more than multivitamins.

The worse part is that some of these companies use artificial additives and sweeteners that are damaging to the health of people who consume them, with very little study of the consequences of these substances which are usually toxic and detrimental to human health.

So why is this industry so unregulated?

There are many reasons, one being many companies sprout up from out of nowhere that claim to be selling food derivatives, when in fact there products are riddled with chemicals. These companies often don't stick around long enough to be discovered for what they are doing.

So are all supplement companies guilty of this?

Luckily no.

There are many reputable brands out there that have been in business for many years and are producing superior products that no only get results, they are also actually rich in nutrients.

There is an important point to consider here, the products should not just contain nutrients but those nutrients should be derived from quality sources. These sources should be natural as well.
Many people aren't aware but vitamins can come from natural and artificial sources.
The natural sources are more easily assimilated by the body and are healthier compared to their artificial counterparts.

When considering taking a nutritional supplement there are some things you should take into consideration.

Has the company been around for a while?
Are they clear about their ingredients?
Are there a lot of chemicals and artificial ingredients in the products.
Can you easily obtain a lab assay on the product? (The manufacturer should have no problem sending you one if they are reputable.)

Remember, this is your health you are dealing with and should understand that strength and large muscles will quickly fade if you don't take care of your whole body. Large muscles rely on other organs to function and you should never take this for granted.

You only get one body so make sure you treat it with the respect it deserves in order to maximize your fitness and strength goals, if you want large muscles, then make sure you are supporting all of your organs, from digestion to your cardiovascular system, make sure the nutrition you are consuming supports all your systems.

For more info on quality nutrition and supplementation check out:

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